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Enhance Systems Private Limited is an eLearning company based in New Delhi, India, and has been engaged in providing customized eLearning solutions for over 16 years. “Delight through learning” is the motto, and believes they have enabled superior learning for our customers through “total eLearning solutions” services which include developing customized content, eLearning software, training management software and learning consultancy.
Creating and delivering effective instructional multimedia solutions requires the concerted effort of people with a variety of skills. At Enhance, projects are handled by a multi-disciplinary teams including:
- Instruction & Curriculum designers
- Media graphic artists
- Animation experts
- Computer Programmers
- Project & Quality Engineers
On 17th December’ 1999, Enhance Systems Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. The passion for learning got Mr. Prashant Khanna & Mr. Vineet Sabharwal together which resulted in formation of Enhance Systems. Their “dream, dare & do” attitude has pushed each individual to perform at the penultimate level and get the best out of themselves.
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