Methodological Theories
Enhance follows instructional design theories to develop eLearning courses which are highly effective. We develop learner-centric courses and pay especial emphasis on analysing the learner and his needs besides establishing the business need for the course.
For designing and developing a course, we use the following theories:
Attention Grabber
This would grab the attention of the user. Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior if the model is similar to the observer and has admired status and the behavior has functional value. Hence a role model would invite the user to the program. (Social Learning Theory (Bandura)) The symbols and music would be linked closely to the user’s motivation levels.
As an adult one would like to know what’s in it for me. It pertains to the self-directed, problem-centered nature of most adult learning. (Adult Learning (P. Cross)).
Adult learning programs should capitalize on the experience of participants.
Adult learning programs should adapt to the aging limitations of the participants.
Adults should be challenged to move to increasingly advanced stages of personal development.
- Adults should have as much choice as possible in the availability and organization of learning programs.
It pertains to the self-directed, problem-centered nature of most adult learning. (Adult Learning (P. Cross)) In keeping with this the program would be on the basis of level of the adults learning. The users through the road-map can choose the way he would like to access the program. The menu allows the user to access information on the basis of his context and need.
Context of Learning
Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance to their job or personal life. (Andragogy (M. Knowles)) A starting problem is the beginning of training. As they use the theory in use and complement it with theory in action they learn (Double Loop Learning (C. Argyris)) Significant learning takes place when the subject matter is relevant to the personal interests of the student (Experiential Learning (C. Rogers)) Hence as we know the audience would need knowledge for the on the job induction The context for the job would be maintained. It should be relevant to the job, be a starting point to learning with more secondary reading and be to the personal interest of the student.
Gap Quiz
According to this theory, individuals must learn to discriminate the difference between their perceptions or intentions and reality (espoused theory versus theory-in-use). Reducing the GAP by documentation and practice is the use. Adults being problem centric. A starting problem is the beginning of training. As they use the theory in use and complement it with theory in action they learn (Double Loop Learning (C. Argyris)). This would be used basically in the behavioral courses. There would be a quiz to establish the theory in mind and give it as documentation to the theory in use.
Learning Style (Optional)
The experiential theory of Kolb (1984) suggests that the learning cycle consist of four primary stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. According to Kolb, individual differences in these stages give rise to learning styles. There would be quiz to recognize this style and hence guide the individual through the course.
Adult learning programs should capitalize on the experience of participants. (Adult Learning (P. Cross)). The prerequisites would take one through the necessary fundamentals or be asked to take some courses.
Adults should be challenged to move to increasingly advanced stages of personal development. (Adult Learning (P. Cross)) The content would be from basic to advanced. There would be reflective sessions in between. The content would be on the basis of animation, photographs and video for technical courses and role play videos for behavioral courses. The chunking and media would be as per the required instructional theories. The technical courses would encourage modeling and the behavioral would get out behavioral changes.
Quizzes / Creativity
After small chunks of information there would be quizzes with feedback and counseling. The quizzes would encourage creativity. De Bono identifies four critical factors associated with lateral thinking: (1) recognize dominant ideas that polarize perception of a problem, (2) searching for differ ways of looking at things, (3) relaxation of rigid control of thinking, and (4) use of chance to encourage other ideas.
Cases & Processes
Adults need to learn experientially (Andragogy (M. Knowles)) Real life cases with De Bono’s creative quizzes would encourage real life experiences. It would be accompanied with metaphor based counseling.
On the Job Guides (Optional)
The highest level of observational learning is achieved by first organizing and rehearsing the modeled behavior symbolically and then enacting it overtly. Coding modeled behavior into words, labels or images results in better retention than simply observing. (Social Learning Theory (Bandura)). Thus on-the-job guides would be made which would help the retention and practical experience.
Practical Games & Projects (Optional)
The key elements of action learning are commitment to learning, social interaction, action plans, and assessing the results of actions. (Action Learning (Revans, 1980)). Thus a program of projects in which the action is drawn out is used. These would be relevant to their jobs. Mentoring by SMEs would follow it.
Collaboration (Optional)
Chat, audio conferences, video conferences could be organized to enable mentoring and collaboration.
Other features
Some other feature which would be included are hypertext, print, audio control, undo, help, manuals, reference notes, e-mail, FAQ, web sites, annotations (making notes), bookmarks, search, bulletin boards, calculator, navigation such as previous, next, exit, roadmap etc.